SQream Platform
GPU Powered Data & Analytics Acceleration
Enterprise (Private Deployment) SQL on GPU for Large & Complex Queries
Public Cloud (GCP, AWS) GPU Powered Data Lakehouse
No Code Data Solution for Small & Medium Business
Mass production of semiconductors, chips, monitors, and other sensitive devices is being tracked today by hundreds and thousands of PLC logs and IoT sensors that are collecting big data for manufacturing directly from the production floor. These sensors are generating massive amounts of data which is being used for FDC (Fault Detection and Classification) and creating models to predict production errors before they occur. Data engineers can choose if they want to work on a small percentage of the data or run queries on the entire dataset, making their model more accurate which leads to increasing yield.
$12M yearly saving from more efficient data collection, loading, and reporting
88%-99% reduction in loading and reporting time
Yield increase from below 50% to 90%
Enabling Peta-Scale Anomaly Detection in Manufacturing
A Look inside SQreamDB
Electronics giant improves yield from 50% to 90%