
By Noa Attias

10.20.2023 twitter linkedin facebook

An array in the context of databases refers to a data structure that stores a collection of items sharing the same data type, with each item having a coordinate associated with it. These items are typically organized on a regular grid in one or more dimensions, making arrays particularly useful for representing homogeneous collections of data such as pixels, voxels, or other similar entities in a structured manner. This structure is especially prevalent in fields requiring the representation of spatio-temporal data, such as earth sciences, life sciences, space sciences, and various engineering domains.

Role in Array Databases

Array databases, a class of No-SQL databases, are specifically designed to manage and analyze data naturally structured as arrays. They provide database services for these multi-dimensional arrays, also known as raster or gridded data. These databases, including notable examples like SciDB and RasDaMan, are optimized for the storage, retrieval, and processing of n-dimensional data, as opposed to traditional relational databases, which may struggle with the performance cost associated with large array structures.

Integration with Other Data Models

Some array databases are standalone systems, while others integrate arrays into a host data model, typically relational databases. This integration, as seen in systems like PostgreSQL, Oracle, and Teradata, allows arrays to be used as a new column type within the relational model, facilitating a more seamless combination of data and metadata in queries. This integration has practical advantages, such as clearer separation in query optimization and evaluation.

Architectural and Operational Aspects

  1. Column-Store Approach: Array databases often employ a column-store approach for structuring and storing array data. This technique differs from traditional row-based databases and is preferred for its efficiency in reading and writing large volumes of data. It allows for data partitioning and colocation of similar data, thereby improving performance for large arrays.
  2. Shared-Nothing Architecture: Many array databases incorporate a shared-nothing architecture, allowing them to be deployed within cloud or grid computing environments. This architecture supports massively parallel processing techniques by distributing the dataset across a network of nodes, each holding a portion of the data.
  3. Query Languages: Since array databases are classified as NoSQL databases, they often use specialized query languages tailored for array operations. These languages include functional languages for creating, transforming, and modifying arrays, and in some cases, SQL-like languages for broader accessibility.

Definition and Operations

In array databases, arrays are equivalent to tables in relational databases and are defined with specific data definition languages. Operators for array databases are numerous and varied, with key ones for geospatial operations including subsetting, filtering, aggregation, and joins. These operators allow for complex manipulations and analyses of the array data.

In summary, arrays in databases represent an essential data structure for managing homogeneous collections of data items, particularly in spatio-temporal contexts. Array databases have evolved to provide specialized, efficient handling and analysis of these structures, differing significantly from traditional relational databases in both architecture and operation.