By SQream, 1.30.2023

How Modernization & Asking Bigger Enables Banks to Increase Satisfaction & Reduce Churn

The organization’s current data stack can handle a limited number of daily queries and reports, which take 4-6 hours to generate as part of the EoD process. The current database infrastructure in this bank is based on Oracle and MSSQL, and their analytics come from SAP crystal reports. The report runtime is about 4-6 hours, so decision-makers didn’t see the end-of-day (EOD) reports until the day after it was generated. Read more about the challenges and the Solution SQream offers

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Read How Banks Can Ask Bigger

Banks with legacy data systems are limited to asking small questions. Legacy data warehouse architectures in banks are often overloaded because they were not designed to handle the volume and complexity of data generated by modern banking operations. As a result, these systems can become sluggish and prone to errors, which impacts the quality of the data being analyzed and the accuracy of business decisions.
