SQream Platform
GPU Powered Data & Analytics Acceleration
Enterprise (Private Deployment) SQL on GPU for Large & Complex Queries
Public Cloud (GCP, AWS) GPU Powered Data Lakehouse
No Code Data Solution for Small & Medium Business
Scale your ML and AI with Production-Sized Models
How Modernization & Asking Bigger Enables Banks to Increase Satisfaction & Reduce Churn
By SQream, 11.16.2023
The organization’s current data stack can handle a limited number of daily queries and reports, which take 4-6 hours to generate as part of the EoD process. The current database infrastructure in this bank is based on Oracle and MSSQL, and their analytics come from SAP crystal reports. The report runtime is about 4-6 hours, so decision-makers didn’t see the end-of-day (EOD) reports until the day after it was generated.
Read more about the challenges and the Solution SQream offers
Nicole Kustura
A SQL database that empowers organizations to perform complex analytics on petabyte-scale of data and gain time-sensitive business insights, faster and at one tenth of the cost.