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We solve your toughest data challenges, using GPUs

Do you have data preparation processes or workloads that are taking too long and cost too much?

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GPU SQL acceleration on clouds


Discover the power of 4X better cost performance

SQream Blue delivers an unprecedented leap forward in cloud data analytics. By achieving both 2X faster query performance and 2X lower total cost of ownership than any other competitor (TPC-XX BB benchmark) SQream Blue redefines the possibilities of data-driven insights. Experience the transformative impact of accelerated analytics and unmatched efficiency.



SQream Blue doesn’t require ingestion or data movement and relies on direct access to data in open-standard formats. Through the entire data preparation cycle, all data remains at the customer’s low-cost cloud storage (S3 or GCS), maintaining privacy and ownership at best, while preserving a single source of truth and eliminating the need for data duplication.


Connectivity and integration

SQream easily integrates with common open-source workflow management and orchestration tools (Apache Airflow, Dagster, Prefect), along with support for industry-standard ODBC, JDBC, and Python connectors. Moreover, Blue’s cluster management has a REST API


Columnar Optimization (Parquet utilization)

SQream's processing engine utilizes Apache Parquet’s column-oriented structure and metadata by saving unnecessary data read

GPU data analytics. 100% faster.

Handle Complex, Multi-Terabyte Datasets with SQL at Half the Cost and Double the Speed

SQream Blue is a SQL data lakehouse that empowers organizations to transform and query complex, multi-terabyte scale datasets to gain deeper, time-sensitive insights at 1/2 the cost and 2X the speed of cloud warehouse and query engine solutions.

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