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Webinar: What does the future hold in store for Data Warehouses?


September 12, 2018 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm Virtual

Data warehouses have been experiencing an intensive paradigm shift in recent years, as a direct result of evolving business needs and requirements. Big Data has grown to massive data and enterprises who are able to capitalize on that data and the intelligence within will remain competitive and in many cases, bypass the competition. Consequently, fulfilling data analytics and business intelligence requirements are significant catalysts for modernizing data warehouses.

In this briefing, Arnon Shimoni and Galit Elad will discuss the following:

  1. Short foray into the history of data warehouses to set the stage
  2. Data warehouses in the era of exponentially growing data
  3. Look into the future of where data warehousing is heading

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The briefing is appropriate for all data professionals, business intelligence analysts, CIOs and CTOs.

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