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Webinar: Delivering the Fastest Data Analytics Available on Massive Data Stores


April 10, 2018 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm Virtual

Note: This is a past event. Click here to view the recorded session.

SQream DB and the X-IO Axellio Edge Micro-Datacenter platform were integrated and benchmarks performed on hundreds of terabytes, resulting in very fast analysis and short query times. This briefing will review the extraordinary benchmark results achieved.

In the session we will review the following:

  1. What I/O bottlenecks mean for modern analytic workloads
  2. How SQream DB and Axellio can overcome many of the traditional I/O bottlenecks
  3. Benchmark results

Please register here to reserve your space

This briefing is appropriate for all IT VPs, CIOs, CTOs, DBAs, data science, analytics and BI professionals.

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