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Cognitive Systems Virtual User Group Webcast: Effectively analyzing big data with a modern data warehouse


March 12, 2019 @ 11:00 am - 12:30 pm Virtual

Arnon Shimoni from SQream will cover new approaches and solutions that are enabling full compute saturation (with both GPU and CPU resources) for high-throughput computations common in data science, BI reporting, and ad-hoc analytics workflows. Arnon will share how SQream’s customers use a GPU-accelerated data warehouse to optimize the performance of advanced business queries without facing complexity at-scale. Attendees should be interested in data architectures, high-performance computing, or data warehousing.

Analyzing very big data is increasingly challenging to organizations of all sizes. For many data consumers, the massive amount of data collected has outgrown the capabilities of traditional data warehouses. To maximize the proficiency of data scientists and analysts, enterprises must look to new architectures which allow them to quickly and directly access, analyze and extract value from these data sets.

Available for on-demand viewing

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