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Big Data Demystified Meetup


October 18, 2021 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Virtual

Join us for an evening of data and drinks.

18:00 – 18:20 Gathering, networking and refreshments
18:20 – 19:00 “Enabling Complex ETL @ Any Scale” – Razi Shoshani
19:00 – 19:40 “Advanced ETL Demystified” – Omid Vahdaty

Advanced ETL Demystified
Speaker: Omid Vahdaty, CTO Jutomate and Founder of Big Data Demystified community.
In this session, you will learn about the Pyspark advantages over traditional ETL. Advanced techniques of parsing largest scales, JSONS based data sets at scale.

Enabling Complex ETL @ Any Scale
Speaker: Razi Shoshani, SQream Co-founder & CTO.

  • Why fast ETL is critical for time-sensitive applications
  • How a GPU-based approach can significantly accelerate the ETL process
  • Combining fast ETL with accelerated querying for reduced Total Time to Insights (TTTI)


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