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SQream Blue vs. Databricks: Redefining Cost-Performance

3x Faster, ⅓ the Cost Benchmark Leader

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Key Advantages of SQream Blue


Unmatched Speed

SQream Blue processed 30 TB of data in just 41 minutes. By leveraging advanced GPU parallelism, SQream Blue outpaced Databricks, delivering results in a fraction of the time.


Exceptional Cost Efficiency

Save up to 70% on your data processing costs. With SQream Blue, enterprises achieve high-speed analytics at ⅓ the cost compared to Databricks, making big data analysis more accessible and affordable.


Scalable ROI

Performance that scales with your business needs. The cost-effectiveness of SQream Blue doesn’t just stop at benchmarks; it scales up with your growing data needs, ensuring long-term return on investment.


Optimized for Real-World Use Cases

Streamline complex queries effortlessly. SQream Blue excelled in the TPCx-BB benchmark, processing intricate queries that reflect real-world retail scenarios, proving its superiority in practical applications.

Supercharge Your Data Lakehouse with SQream Blue

Flexible Integration and Cost-Effective Performance

SQream Blue is not just a replacement; it’s an enhancement to your existing data lakehouse environment. Whether you're currently using Databricks or considering a shift, SQream Blue can seamlessly integrate with your existing setup, offloading the most performance-intensive and costly operations. This approach allows you to maintain the flexibility of your current infrastructure while significantly lowering operational costs. Our recent TPCx-BB benchmark highlighted that SQream Blue processed 30 TB of data 3x faster and at ⅓ the cost compared to Databricks alone. By distributing heavy workloads to SQream Blue, you can dramatically reduce your Databricks costs, optimize performance, and enhance your overall data processing strategy.