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By Ami Gal
Eye-catching email campaigns, engaging company brochures, informative blog posts, 24-7 tweets – marketing can certainly be a hectic process! Successful marketing tactics require time, effort and a whole lot of talent.
This got us thinking – “What has SQream Technologies done lately in terms of marketing to prepare for CEBIT 2014 with CODE_n and the upcoming NVIDIA GTC Conference?” Getting ready for two major events taking place during the same month has been a bit chaotic, but the SQream team has still managed to stay calm, cool and collected. And, since we have been so busy lately, we thought, “why not make ourselves even busier by sharing our marketing tips?” So here you have it! 1) Start by implementing a marketing plan. Familiarize yourself with your marketing goals and what you aim to achieve from your efforts. Start by writing each of your objectives down, always keeping your target audience in mind. Ask yourself – “Who do I want to contact, why should we be in touch and what will make my marketing efforts stand out from the crowd?” Once you have figured out the who, why and what, draft your marketing plan in a Word or Excel document to stay organized. Tip: Remember to do your homework! Research your contacts before reaching out to make sure that they are relevant sources. LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+ and other social networks are great resources. 2) You may want to scream and shout, but first you’ve got to write it all out! It’s important to keep in mind that quality content really does matter, especially when it comes to marketing. Now is the time to start considering specific documents to send to your relevant contacts – press releases, blog posts, company brochures, etc. Sure, this may seem easy enough, but remember that your connection will not want to read content unless it’s eye-catching and engaging. Visuals are also important. Company YouTube videos are useful to get people to visually remember your company. Tip: While professionally written documents are certainly an advantage, lighter material containing just a few sentences can also be beneficial. Funny, uplifting and attention grabbing documents/emails have a better chance of being read compared with long and overly informative white papers. 3) Always remember that communication is key, so stay on top of your game! It’s a great feeling once you have connected with your relevant sources. Yet, keep in mind to send follow-up emails and weekly reminders before, after and during each company event. Update your connections with company happenings and achievements to show the value of your product or service. You might not receive a response from all of your contacts, but keep an open mind and continue sending those follow up emails! The most important thing to remember is achieving the goal of getting your company name and information out there! Tip: It’s always tempting to copy and paste information from your original emails into your follow-up emails. While this does save you time, you must consider the fact that your contacts do not want to view previously sent information. Always be sure to change up the context of each email – remember, you aim to make your contacts say “wow!” and remember your company as being exceptional. 4) Offer your contacts a unique value proposition. Now that you’ve jump started your marketing plan and have connected with the relevant sources, it’s time to offer your customers the benefits and advantages of your product/service. Think about the main features that make your product stand out from the competition. It’s always good to start with the top 3 benefits and include a few detailed bullet points. This allows your customers to distinguish you from the other companies striving for their attention. Tip: Your product/service should always meet the needs of your customer. Keep their best interests in mind and really show how your offering will benefit their professional needs – this could be in terms of price, performance, stability, etc. 5) Make marketing personable! Remember, as a marketer you are the voice behind the company. Show that you are passionate about what you do. Sign up to speak at industry events, attend relevant trade shows, conferences, meetup groups, etc – do anything that will allow you to personally get your company name out in the open. Tip: Confidence is key when it comes to personable marketing. Don’t be shy or afraid to introduce yourself to new people. First impressions go a long way – remember, when you smile the world smiles back!
Stay up to date with our progress at CEBIT with CODE_n and the NVIDIA GTC Conference! Follow SQream on twitter for daily Big Data tweets, like our Facebook page, join us on LinkedIn and find us on Google+. Be sure to check out our Roojoom’s too! Leave your comments below – we can’t wait to hear what you have to say!