We changed our version numbering for new releases

By Arnon Shimoni

3.27.2019 twitter linkedin facebook

Following SQream DB version 3.0, new versions of SQream DB will be named based on the year of the release and the number of the release in that year.
SQream DB versioning

What is the next release?

Our first release for 2019 is now available, and it’s named 2019.1. The next release after that will be 2019.2, and so on.

Why the change?

Over the past year we’ve accelerated our speed of development, and we can now deliver fresh SQream DB versions with new capabilities at a faster pace. The new versioning pattern is aligned with other cloud and subscription-based software, like Amazon AWS releases, Ubuntu, Tableau, and others.

What about patches and bugfixes?

We will continue to ship maintenance and patch releases with the following convention: 2019.1.1, 2019.1.2, etc.

Should I upgrade my version?

You should always upgrade to the latest available SQream DB version. The added benefit of the new system is that it’s now easier to know if your version of SQream DB is up-to-date.
If you’re on 2.x or 3.x, you should upgrade to the next available 2019.X release.