SQream Platform
GPU Powered Data & Analytics Acceleration
Enterprise (Private Deployment) SQL on GPU for Large & Complex Queries
Public Cloud (GCP, AWS) GPU Powered Data Lakehouse
No Code Data Solution for Small & Medium Business
Scale your ML and AI with Production-Sized Models
By Sarah Hakim
When we launched our new website, and with it, brought the Massive Data Revolution to light, it became clear by the responses that this revolution had struck a chord.
Maybe it’s because data has grown to such massive proportions that the gap between legacy systems’ capabilities and the modern-day analytical needs of organizations has become too big to ignore. Or maybe it’s because 2020, the particularly rough year that it has been, brought out the revolutionary spirit in all of us. Either way, it became clear that the data people have had it.
Big Data has long-since become an obsolete buzzword unfit to describe the massive volumes that have taken organizations by storm. And with all the business potential this growth brings, data practitioners are expected to deliver on a big promise with analytics tools that were designed for a previous era of data. Analysts dealing with terabytes and petabytes of data find themselves waiting hours and days on complex SQL queries, and spend even longer on data preparation. Business stakeholders don’t understand why they can’t get the reports they need, and critical insights go undiscovered.
After hearing the same frustrations from practitioners across the data pipeline, we decided it’s time to shake up the conversation, and we’re challenging YOU to take part.
SQream is calling on you, the data professionals, to join the Massive Data Revolution Video Challenge! Tell us your biggest data challenges in a 60-second selfie video. Whether it’s lengthy ETL, arduous data preparation, long-running queries, complex JOINs, or the need to be able to analyze much more data, we want to hear about it.
What’s in it for you, you ask? In addition to the opportunity to have your biggest analytics challenges shouted from the industry rooftops, qualifying participants will receive a $50 Amazon gift card as a token of camaraderie, compliments of SQream.
With the rise of the Massive Data Revolution, we want data professionals to take an active part in changing the status quo. Let’s raise the bar on what the data community expects and demands of analytics systems and processes. The Massive Data Revolution Video Challenge is open to professionals across the data pipeline, from CIOs and CDOs to DBAs, Data Analysts, Data Engineers, and Data Scientists. Join the Challenge, submit your video, and claim your prize here by December 16th.
Power to the data people!