10 Best ETL Tools of 2024: Choosing the Right Solution

By Allison Foster

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10 Best ETL Tools of 2024: Choosing the Right Solution

You’re likely receiving data from a wide array of sources, each with its own format, making it difficult to unify and analyze that information effectively. This challenge can complicate the bigger picture, especially when trying to achieve advanced business intelligence and analytics.

This is where ETL tools become essential. The best ETL tools help consolidate this diverse data, enabling efficient querying and analysis, which ultimately leads to better-informed business decisions.

In this guide, we’ll review the top ETL tools and provide the insights you need to choose the right solution for your business.

What Are ETL Tools?

ETL tools refer to software solutions that help in the process of extracting, transforming, and loading (ETL) data from various sources into a centralized location, such as a data warehouse or data lake. 

ETL tools play a critical role in data management, enabling organizations to integrate data from various sources and make it usable for business intelligence, analytics, and decision-making. The best ETL tools are essential for ensuring data accuracy, consistency, and reliability, especially in environments with large amounts of data or complex data ecosystems.

How Do ETL Tools Work?

ETL tools follow a structured workflow designed to streamline the movement and transformation of data from its origin to its destination:

  1. Data extraction: The tool connects to various data sources, which can be relational databases, cloud-based applications, web services, or legacy systems. It pulls the data in its raw form, handling any required authentication or API access.
  2. Data transformation: Once the raw data is extracted, it goes through a series of transformation processes. These can include:
    • Data cleansing: Removing inaccurate or irrelevant data.
    • Data mapping: Mapping data fields from the source to the target system.
    • Data aggregation: Summing, averaging, or otherwise manipulating the data to a usable form.
    • Data enrichment: Adding or merging data from other sources to enhance its value.
  3. Data loading: After transformation, the data is ready to be loaded into a target system. The tool can manage both bulk loading and incremental updates, depending on the requirements. For databases, this means inserting or updating records, while for cloud or analytics platforms, it could mean streaming data in near-real-time.

The best ETL tools support automated workflows, which means these steps can be scheduled or triggered based on certain events, reducing the need for manual intervention. Modern ETL tools often provide real-time processing capabilities, which is crucial in dynamic business environments where up-to-date data is necessary for operational efficiency.

Key Features of ETL Tools

The effectiveness of an ETL tool is defined by its ability to manage complex data environments with ease, scalability, and flexibility. Here are some of the key features that professionals look for when assessing the best ETL tool:

  • Data connectivity: The ability to connect to a wide variety of data sources is essential. Modern ETL tools support a broad range of connectors, including SQL databases, NoSQL databases, cloud services, APIs, and flat files or spreadsheets.
  • Automation: Most ETL tools offer scheduling capabilities or event-based triggers, allowing tasks to run automatically without human intervention. Automation reduces the risk of errors and ensures that data is processed in a timely manner.
  • Scalability: As data volumes grow, an ETL tool should scale to handle larger datasets efficiently. Cloud-based ETL tools often provide elastic scalability, allowing organizations to process huge volumes of data without performance degradation.
  • Transformation capabilities: Powerful ETL tools offer rich transformation options, from simple field renaming and filtering to more complex functions like joins, aggregations, and scripting. Some tools also provide visual interfaces for mapping data and setting transformation rules without needing to write code.
  • Error handling and logging: Robust ETL tools provide detailed error logs and notifications in case of failures during the extraction, transformation, or loading stages. They may also offer features to retry failed operations or recover from partial errors, ensuring data integrity.
  • Real-time processing: Traditional ETL processes were batch-based, but many modern ETL tools offer real-time or near-real-time data processing capabilities. This allows organizations to handle streaming data and make real-time decisions.
  • Data governance and security: ETL tools should support compliance with data governance policies, including role-based access controls, audit trails, and encryption for data in transit and at rest. This is particularly important for organizations that handle sensitive data.
  • Cloud and hybrid support: With the growing reliance on cloud infrastructure, many ETL tools now offer cloud-native solutions or hybrid models that can handle both on-premise and cloud-based data sources seamlessly.

Given these features and requirements, what are the best ETL tools available in 2024?

Top ETL Tools Available in 2024

We’ve ranked the best ETL tools out there, including pros, cons, use cases, and pricing. 

1. SQream and Panoply

For the ultimate data management stack, look no further than SQream, including its Panoply solution. 

SQream’s platform, available for cloud, private cloud or on-prem environments, leverages GPU-accelerated data processing to enable organizations to process and analyze terabytes to petabytes of data, at speed, and at a fraction of the cost of traditional methods – often twice the speed, and half the cost. 

To find out more, contact the SQream team here.

Panoply by SQream, provides an end-to-end managed data warehouse and ELT, and reporting solution. Panoply is a cloud data platform designed to simplify data integration, storage, and analysis. It offers no-code ELT connectors that allow users to sync data from various sources with just a few clicks, without requiring maintenance. The platform enables users to schedule data collection, manage data source settings, and securely store data in the cloud with customizable tables and user permissions. It also features auto-detection of data types for streamlined data management.

For data exploration and analysis, Panoply provides a built-in no-code query builder and an SQL workbench, along with pre-built dashboards for quick visualization. With consistently strong customer reviews, Panoply aims to make data access and insights accessible for all users.

Pricing is simple and flexible: learn more about Panoply pricing here.

2. Informatica

Informatica is an enterprise-level ETL tool known for its robustness and comprehensive features. It can become complex and expensive, making it generally more suitable for large organizations that can justify the cost and resources required to manage it.


  • Extensive library of connectors for diverse databases, cloud platforms, and applications.
  • Strong data transformation and data governance capabilities.
  • Cloud-native architecture with hybrid support.


  • Cost: Informatica’s enterprise solutions can be prohibitively expensive, especially for smaller organizations.
  • Complexity: Its feature set can come with a steep learning curve, requiring significant expertise to implement and manage.
  • Maintenance: Requires dedicated resources for setup, customization, and ongoing support.

Use Cases:

  • Best suited for large enterprises with complex data ecosystems and the budget to support high operational costs.
  • Organizations with strict governance requirements and large-scale data transformation needs.


  • Pricing is according to Informatica Pricing Units (IPUs), and is dependent on several factors.

3. Qlik Talend

Talend from Qlik is another data management tool. 


  • Extensive connector support and a visual interface for creating workflows.


  • Discontinued Open-Source Version: The open-source edition was popular but has been discontinued.

Use Cases:

  • Ideal for small to mid-sized businesses with relatively simple ETL needs.
  • Not the best choice for large organizations unless they invest in the enterprise edition.


  • Qlik Talend offers four different editions, each providing specific capabilities. The edition a customer selects determines the features they can access. Customers subscribe to a particular usage capacity for the edition they choose. Usage is tracked by considering factors such as the volume of data transferred, the number of job executions, and how long those executions take.

4. Fivetran

Fivetran is popular for its simplicity and fully managed pipelines, but its limited data transformation capabilities may hinder more complex ETL use cases. 


  • Fully managed, automated ETL pipelines with real-time data syncing.
  • Pre-built connectors that handle schema changes automatically.


  • Limited Transformations: Fivetran focuses mainly on the EL part, leaving more complex data transformations to be handled elsewhere, often requiring additional tools or manual intervention.
  • Costly for High-Volume Data: While convenient, the pricing model can become costly as data volumes increase.
  • Poor support: There have been several complaints about lack of support.

Use Cases:

  • Better suited for small and medium businesses that prioritize ease of use over deep data transformation capabilities.
  • May not work well for organizations needing extensive customization or on-premise infrastructure.


  • Pricing is by monthly active rows (MAR), which are unique primary keys that have been added, deleted or updated by connectors.

5. Matillion

Matillion is a cloud-native ETL tool focused on integrating with cloud data warehouses like Snowflake, Redshift, and BigQuery. While its simplicity is a key selling point, it’s limited to cloud environments, which can be a major drawback for businesses with hybrid or on-premise needs.


  • Easy-to-use interface with strong integration for cloud data warehouses.
  • Scalable, cloud-native architecture.


  • Cloud-Limited: Matillion is only effective for cloud-based data warehouses, which excludes organizations that operate in hybrid or on-premise environments.
  • Vendor Dependency: Tightly integrated with specific cloud platforms, making it difficult to switch away or adopt a more agnostic approach.

Use Cases:

  • A good option for organizations that are fully committed to a cloud-first approach but less so for those with mixed environments or advanced ETL needs.


Matillion’s pricing is by credit; ranging from $2 to $2.75 per credit.

6. Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS)

SSIS is a long-standing ETL tool closely tied to the Microsoft ecosystem. While it works well in SQL Server environments, it can be less effective in non-Microsoft stacks. It’s also somewhat outdated compared to newer, cloud-native ETL tools, which may limit its usefulness for modern data needs.


  • Integration with SQL Server and Azure platforms.
  • Support for data migration, transformation, and cleansing.


  • Limited to Microsoft Stack: SSIS doesn’t integrate as well with non-Microsoft systems.
  • Not Cloud-Native: Although it integrates with Azure, SSIS is primarily an on-premise tool and may not be the best fit for companies fully transitioning to cloud platforms.
  • Aging Technology: SSIS has been around for years and lacks some of the flexibility and scalability of newer, cloud-native ETL tools.

Use Cases:

  • Best for organizations fully invested in Microsoft technologies.
  • Not ideal for businesses looking for flexibility across multiple cloud providers or hybrid environments.


  • Pricing is based on several factors, and can be calculated on the Microsoft website.

7. Apache NiFi

Apache NiFi is an open-source ETL tool with a focus on real-time data flows. While highly flexible, it requires significant technical expertise to manage and customize. Its complexity can make it overkill for simpler ETL needs.


  • Real-time data ingestion and processing with an emphasis on data provenance.
  • Highly customizable with a visual design interface.


  • Steep Learning Curve: Despite its visual interface, configuring NiFi for complex workflows requires advanced technical knowledge.
  • High Maintenance: NiFi can be resource-intensive to manage, especially for large-scale deployments with many data flows.
  • Not Enterprise-Ready Out of the Box: Although powerful, its open-source nature means additional effort is needed to scale and secure for enterprise use.

Use Cases:

  • Best for organizations needing real-time, flexible data ingestion, but not ideal for those looking for a low-maintenance, out-of-the-box solution.

8. AWS Glue

AWS Glue is a fully managed, serverless ETL service within the AWS ecosystem. While it’s great for businesses already invested in AWS, it has limitations in terms of flexibility and performance. Users may find it challenging to use Glue with non-AWS services or large datasets.


  • Serverless architecture, tightly integrated with AWS services like S3 and Redshift.
  • Automatic schema discovery and ETL code generation.


  • AWS-Limited: Glue is best for AWS environments, but it’s less suitable for multi-cloud or hybrid scenarios where non-AWS services are used.
  • Learning Curve: Despite being serverless, it still requires a good understanding of AWS services and can be complex to set up properly.

Use Cases:

  • Best for organizations heavily using AWS, but may struggle in diverse environments or with very large datasets.


  • From $0.29 per DPU-Hour

9. Google Cloud Dataflow

Google Cloud Dataflow is a managed stream and batch data processing tool within Google Cloud. While it’s powerful for real-time and large-scale data pipelines, its complexity and reliance on the Google ecosystem can limit its usefulness outside of Google Cloud.


  • Support for both stream and batch processing.
  • Auto-scaling infrastructure based on Apache Beam.


  • Google-Limited: Like AWS Glue, Dataflow’s usefulness is tied to Google Cloud, making it less viable for organizations operating in hybrid or multi-cloud environments.
  • Complex Setup: Dataflow’s power comes with complexity; it’s not an easy tool to pick up for teams without deeper technical knowledge of Google Cloud and Apache Beam.

Use Cases:

  • Most effective for organizations heavily invested in Google Cloud, but less ideal for those needing cross-platform capabilities.


  • Per Google, “Dataflow usage is billed for resources that your jobs use. Depending on the pricing model that you use, resources are measured and billed differently.” This needs to be checked carefully with Google.

10. Stitch

Stitch is a lightweight cloud-native ETL tool designed for simplicity and ease of use. It has been known to lack robust data transformation features, making it best suited for EL rather than full ETL processes. It’s more appropriate for smaller data tasks, rather than complex workflows.


  • Quick, automated data extraction with real-time syncing.
  • Pre-built connectors for cloud services, databases, and SaaS platforms.


  • Limited Transformation Capabilities: Stitch primarily handles data extraction and loading, requiring additional tools or steps for transformations.
  • Scaling Costs: As the amount of data or the number of connectors increases, costs can rise significantly.

Use Cases:

  • Best for specific tasks rather than company-wide applications.


The advanced plan starts from $1,250 per month (100 million rows/month) and the premium plan at $2,500 per month. 

Comparison Table of Best ETL Tools

Tool Pros Cons Ideal For
Informatica Comprehensive features, strong governance Expensive, complex to manage Enterprises with large-scale, complex data environments
Talend Flexible Setup can be complex SMBs
Fivetran Fully managed, real-time sync, low maintenance Limited transformations, costly at scale Businesses needing quick, automated data replication
Matillion Cloud-native, easy to use Limited to cloud platforms, basic transformation Organizations using cloud data warehouses
SSIS Tight Microsoft integration, cost-effective Somewhat outdated compared to newer solutions Companies using Microsoft technologies
Apache NiFi Real-time processing, highly customizable Complex, high maintenance Teams needing real-time, distributed data flows
AWS Glue Serverless, AWS-native AWS-limited, performance issues with large data Companies already in AWS ecosystem
Google Cloud Dataflow Strong for real-time and batch processing Google-limited, complex, costly for large data Google Cloud users needing real-time analytics
Stitch Simple, fully managed, easy to set up Limited transformation, costly for high data volume Companies needing quick data loading

How to Choose the Right ETL Tool

Choosing the best ETL tool requires a clear understanding of your organization’s specific data needs, infrastructure, and resources. Start by assessing the complexity and volume of the data you need to process. If you’re handling large datasets across diverse systems with complex transformation requirements, you may need a more robust, enterprise-grade solution. On the other hand, if your organization primarily uses cloud-based platforms and seeks simplicity, cloud-native options may be more appropriate. The level of technical expertise within your team is also crucial—tools like Apache NiFi or AWS Glue may offer more customization but will require more advanced skills to configure and maintain, whereas a fully managed tool can minimize technical overhead.

Additionally, consider the integration capabilities and overall cost structure. If you’re working within a specific ecosystem, such as AWS or Google Cloud, choosing a tool that seamlessly integrates with your existing infrastructure can simplify implementation and reduce operational friction. Cost is another significant factor—open-source tools may appeal to smaller businesses on tighter budgets, but their long-term scalability and support costs should be weighed. 

For most businesses, it comes down to performance, and cost. If you find a tool that can slash costs while turbocharging performance, you’ve probably found your winner. 

Ultimately, the best ETL tool for you will align with your data strategy, business objectives, and future growth plans while minimizing complexity and maintenance.


Q: Are there free ETL tools?

Yes, there are free ETL tools like Apache NiFi, which offer open-source versions. However, they often need extensive setup and customization.

A: How do ETL tools compare to ELT tools?

ETL tools extract, transform, and then load data into a target system, while ELT tools extract and load data first, and then perform transformations within the target system. ELT is often more suitable for cloud environments, where data warehouses can handle large-scale transformations, while ETL is typically used in traditional on-premise setups. An example of a leading ELT tool is Panoply.

Q: What factors should be considered when evaluating ETL tools?

Key factors include cost, performance, ease of use, integration capabilities, scalability, transformation complexity, and compatibility with your existing infrastructure.

A: What are common use cases for ETL tools?

ETL tools are commonly used for data warehousing, business intelligence, data migration, and integrating data from various sources into a centralized repository for analysis. They also help in cleaning and transforming data for reporting, analytics, and compliance purposes.

Meet SQream – Industry-Leading GPU-Accelerated Data Processing

SQream is revolutionizing data processing by leveraging the power of NVIDIA’s GPU technology to accelerate large-scale analytics. With over a decade of industry leadership, SQream provides native SQL solutions optimized for both cloud and on-premise environments, delivering significant improvements in data processing speed and efficiency. 

The platform significantly reduces processing times making it ideal for industries like telecoms, manufacturing, finance, advertising, retail, and others. SQream’s GPU-powered approach not only boosts performance but also cuts costs, allowing businesses to achieve high-speed analytics, machine learning, and AI at scale. As more industries transition from CPU to GPU acceleration, SQream is positioned as a leader in driving transformative performance gains and unlocking deeper insights from massive datasets.

Summary: Empowering You with the Best ETL Tools

ETL tools are essential for modern organizations wanting to get the most out of their data, and take their BI, analytics, and decision-making to the next level. 

Specifically, we looked at key features of ETL tools, how to choose the best ETL tool for your needs, and we ranked the top ETL tools including pro’s, cons, and pricing. 

For more information regarding ETL tools and how to maximize the value of your data, get in touch with the team at SQream.